Bitmagnitudo is dedicated to providing a variety of cryptocurrencies for trade based on the prevailing price and fluctuations.
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To achieve a diversified portfolio, look for asset classes that have low or negative correlations so that if moves down, the other tends to it. ETFs and mutual funds are easy ways to select asset.
The best way to start a crypto portfolio is to have at least a 60% stake in Bitcoin &Ethereum which you can easily do with this broker.
Now you can start trading Bitcoin, Ethereum and many cryptocurrencies fast, easily and safely from where ever you are. With great margin trading leverage available with quick deposit & withdrawal capability, you can start trading with us in seconds.
Become a better investor on the go, right in the Broker. Join a new generation of crypto investors. Easy interface to create an account.
Frequently asked questions about our crypto currency broker. The crypto security for conducting trusted transactions.
Don't find the answer? Contact us hereYes, Bitmagnitudo crypto broker is safe and use security measures that are industry-standard or above for U.S.-based.
Once you've approved a connection request from the broker the Bitmagnitudo can send transaction requests to wallet, which is the on your must also manually approve in the Wallet.
This is the most common way of earning money from crypto currencies. Investors make investment using crypto currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, Ripple, and more and wait until their value rises.